Monday, July 02, 2012

Barbara Fairchild's Sunday Worship Service

On Sunday, we continued our tour of some of Branson's Show Churches. A “Show Church” is a free event held on Sunday for visitors and others that combines a church service with a show. Visitors to town can take a break on Sunday, hear gospel or Christian music, and get a sermon while being away from their home churches. A side effect allows the faithful church attender to enjoy their visit to Branson without guilt. It also allows Christian performers to share the gospel with an audience that is constantly changing. Those who provide these services are generally doing so sacrificially and have stacked this responsibility on top of their normal performance schedules.

Keep in mind that the Show Church is not a full service church. Generally you will not find nursery facilities, much congregational singing or Sunday Schools or mid-week services and the like.

This Sunday we attended the Barbara Fairchild Sunday Worship Service. The service is held each Sunday Morning at 10:00 a.m. at the Music City Centre Theatre at 1835 West Highway 76. Its telephone number is 417-334-6400. You can learn more about Barbara Fairchild by going to:

Barbara and her husband Roy Morris also perform nightly Tuesday-Saturday at the Dining Showroom at the Golden Corral at 3551 Shepherd of the Hills Expressway.

And now a little about the service. Like most Show Church services, there are performances by the performers. In this case, Barbara Fairchild sang some of her popular songs and there were a number of songs sang by her husband Roy Morris. Then there were some duets. Both perfomers are outstanding and the singing was very enjoyable. In addition there was some guest music that was outstanding.

The music back-up is electronic in this case and not from a band. But no matter.

Barbara did the preaching. A few comments and impressions. Barbara preaches with some strength and heart-felt passion. She truly is concerned about America and its spiritual condition. On this occasion it was close to the 4th of July. Like many of Branson's performers she is close to the veterans and has a heart for veteran matters. She also has a heart for Jesus and the Gospel. This seems fairly obvious from the service.

Barbara is infectious in personality and I believe she may have a ministry, especially to other women.

There is an offering taken at the show . The service began at 10 and ended about 11:45.

Would I recommend this Church Show. Yes. Would I attend it again. Yes. While in Branson, try it out. You might like it.

Barbara and husband, Roy Morris singing.

Roy Morris

Barbara Fairchild with glasses on ready to teach.

"Well, even a blond can understand that."

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