Sunday, June 26, 2005

Duck Hunting in the Branson Area

Duck Hunting

In the warmer seasons in the Branson area, you are sure to run into ducks. So while my wife and daughter were shopping at Tanger, I told them that I was going to shoot some ducks.

Ducks are fairly common in the Branson and Table Rock area. You see them in Table Rock Lake, and in various places around Branson. The pictures above show some of the ducks that I shot at Tanger. Also are a few pictures of ducks on the Lake.

Ducks are amphibious vehicles. The owners load them up with tourists and then take them on tours of Branson and the Lake area. Everybody seems to have a grand time except for the motorist which is caught behind them on the road. They are not overly fast on the local highways.

Above are pictures taken of the ducks. There are a few items one should note. First, Branson ducks, like real ducks, do not come with license plates as you can see from the pictures. (I wonder if you need a license to shoot these ducks?). Instead they come with a boat number.

Being just a little bit curious I consulted the statutes of the great state of Missouri.

Section 306.075 of the Missouri Revised Statutes says:

“A “motorized amphibious vehicle” is a self-propelled vehicle designed or used for transporting property or eight or more persons on the highways and waters of this state. A motorized amphibious vehicle shall not be considered a commercial motor vehicle …it shall be treated as a vessel.”

So a duck is not a duck; it is not a vehicle; it is a boat.

So when you go to Branson, ride a duck. But make sure you are not involved in any collisions or quack-ups!

The drivers of the ducks are known to be witty so don’t be surprised if you hear a few wise quacks.

And when I finally got back and met my family, they asked if I had shot some ducks. I told them that I shore had, and the shots are set forth above.


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